Your Virgin Hair Expert

Lip Gloss
Beauty Salons provide the best luxury quality hair extensions and wig units. Great quality efficient work of hair art provided by Beautyqueen Nish.
Color Bundle
Extensions take down
Wash and blow dryed
Custom Made Lace Front Wig
Traditional sew in package
(hair included) 18-24 inch
Traditional sew in package
14- 16 inch
View Detailed Services
Frontal Package
360 Package
Frontal Re-vamp
Traditional Sew-in hair not included
Closure Sew-in
Lace Wig Install
Cut and style
Frontal color package

Nisha offers her own hair line that she handpicked herself.
After extensive research experience she found the perfect best quality hair to provide to her clients. Nisha has attended so many trainings in relation to her industry including The Hands on Tour with Tokyo Stylez and Anthony Cutz. Nisha has worked with so many wornderful people and even celebrities. Making her your stylist with be the best decision you’ve made for your beauty needs.

Nisha aka Beautyqueen Nish is a talented stylist in Las Vegas originally from Los Angels California. She has had a passion for every since a young age. She has been in the hair industry for years and has taking it by storm. Nisha specializes in weaves and extensions and has perfected her craft lace Frontals lace wigs and closures. Nisha also specializes selecting extension hair. She has worked with so many extension hair types and can give good judgment good vs bad hair.
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